Sarah Baker Coombs, B.A. 2013

Emory University — Atlanta, Georgia

B.A., Cultural Anthropology (2013)

How has being a Cultural Anthropology graduate from Duke helped shape your professional success?

"My major in Cultural Anthropology equipped me with the tools to collaborate effectively with colleagues from backgrounds and cultures different from my own. I learned to be comfortable in unfamiliar social situations, and to adapt quickly to build and strengthen professional relationships. Specifically, in my current role I create professional development and networking opportunities for Emory University's 140,000 alumni all over the world, which requires assessing and adapting to the needs of our various alumni communities to ensure that our programming is relevant and engaging to all."

What advice would you give students in Cultural Anthropology?

"I would recommend that students speak with professors and the Career Center to learn how to market themselves before graduation and develop a concise statement on the value they bring to a workplace as a cultural anthropology major."

Sarah Baker, 2013