Required classes: Theories I (CULANTH 801) in Fall, Theories II (CULANTH 802) in Spring
Serve as RA or TA to faculty
Plan of Study due last Friday of March
Identify at least one Ph.D. committee member by end of April
Successful completion of Theories I and II exam required for continuation in graduate program
Summer between Year 1 and 2: conduct preliminary field research
Year 2
Required class: Research Methods (CULANTH 803) in Spring
Complete annotations for one (of three) reading lists
Serve as TA
Nominate the remainder of the Ph.D. committee by February 1. Committee composition: APh.D.committee consists of four members, three of which are primary faculty in Cultural Anthropology and one of which is from another discipline (either at Duke or elsewhere) or from an anthropology department at another institution; although discouraged, a committee may consist of more than four members but the student should discuss such a possibility with their advisor
Plan of Study due late February
Field Specialization Workshop with Ph.D. committee late April
Recommended: take at least one independent study in Spring
Summer between Year 2 and 3: conduct preliminary field research & complete annotations for second reading list
Year 3
Required class: Grant Writing (CULANTH 804) in Fall
Submit grant applications for dissertation research
Submit application for IRB approval for dissertation research
Fall: complete annotations for third reading list
Serve as TA
For those leaving for the field in January, schedule Portfolio Workshop for early December
For those leaving for the field in June, schedule Portfolio Workshop for late April
Year 4
Dissertation research
Funding: students are strongly encouraged to apply for a second round of external funding while in the field in instances in which external funding was not originally awarded. Funding awarded by the Graduate School is considered internal. Students awarded internal funding (whether from the department or the Graduate School) receive two semesters of support and should consider reapplying for Wenner-Gren, SSRC, NSF, etc. if they would like to remain in the field for a third semester