Cultural Anthropology
COVID 19 Update
In response to the disruptions wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Cultural Anthropology has elected to pause admissions for its doctoral program for Fall 2021. This one-year hiatus will allow us to provide our current students with additional support as they navigate the unanticipated needs that have arisen since the pandemic began. We are committed to devoting our full attention and support to our current doctoral students, and to mentoring them closely so that their research may recover as quickly as possible.
We understand that this may be disappointing news to those seeking to begin doctoral study in the fall of 2021, but we believe that we have an abiding responsibility to the students whom we have admitted in the past, and whose success must be secured to the best of our capabilities. Prospective PhD applicants are encouraged to apply in 2021 for admission in Fall 2022.
We thank you for your understanding, and wish you well in all your endeavors.
All the best, Anne-Maria Makhulu (Director of Graduate Studies)